Real Estate and COVID: Safe Closing Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
Many people have postponed moves or new home purchases due to the pandemic. With most people trying to stay at home and avoid travel, buying a home or moving within COVID guidelines for the area could be very difficult. Still, some home buyers may have plans in motion that cannot be postponed for long.
If you are going to be buying a home before the pandemic is truly under control, you’ll need to take some precautions to keep you and others safe. Some of these guidelines are based on local requirements, while others are based on the CDC guidance.
Mask wearing is important and mandatory in Tampa.
Hillsborough County, which encompasses Southern Tampa, has a mask order in place. You must wear a mask if you will be within six feet of others. Since paperwork is passed from person to person during most closings, it is not possible to social distance, and masks are required. Masks have been proven to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Social distancing when possible is best.
Even though you are wearing a mask, try to maintain as much distance as possible between you and others not in your household. Try to schedule walk throughs, inspections, and appraisals one at a time, and with as few people present as possible.
Consider no-contact options.
You may be able to properly social distance during closing by using no-contact options. You could hold a virtual meeting with all involved parties rather than meeting in person. You can also have all parties sign documents electronically using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Even if you meet in person, signing documents in a way that doesn’t require passing them from person to person is the best option.
If you are needing help closing on a house during the pandemic, we are here to assist you. Contact us today for more information.